Journals for consultation
Action Research is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal, which is a forum for the development of the theory and practice of action research.
The aim of the journal is to offer a viable alternative to dominant 'disinterested' models of social science, one that is relevant to people in the conduct of their lives, their organizations and their communities.
The journal publishes quality articles on accounts of action research projects, explorations in the philosophy and methodology of action research, and considerations of the nature of quality in action research practice.
Active Learning in Higher Education is an international, refereed publication for all those who teach and support learning in higher education and those who undertake or use research into effective learning, teaching and assessment in universities and colleges. The journal has an objective of improving the status of teaching and learning support as professional activity and so looks at academic theory and practice applicable in/to all disciplines and contexts/countries in higher education.
Educational Action Research is concerned with exploring the dialogue between research and practice in educational settings. The considerable increase in interest in action research in recent years has been accompanied by the development of a number of different approaches: for example, to promote reflective practice; professional development; empowerment; understanding of tacit professional knowledge; curriculum development; individual, institutional and community change; and development of democratic management and administration. Proponents of all these share the common aim of ending the dislocation of research from practice, an aim which links them with those involved in participatory research and action inquiry.
This journal publishes accounts of a range of action research and related studies, in education and across the professions, with the aim of making their outcomes widely available and exemplifying the variety of possible styles of reporting. It aims to establish and maintain a review of the literature of action research. It also provides a forum for dialogue on the methodological and epistemological issues, enabling different approaches to be subjected to critical reflection and analysis.
The impetus for Educational Action Research came from CARN, the Collaborative Action Research Network, and since its foundation in 1992, EAR has been important in extending and strengthening this international network.
The Canadian Journal of Action Research invites submissions that contribute to educational knowledge through action research. We are particularly interested in two types of submissions: action research reports and articles about action research that address issues of current importance to action researchers.
IJAR – International Journal of Action Research provides a forum for an open and non dogmatic discussion about action research, regarding both its present situation and future perspectives. This debate is open to the variety of action research concepts worldwide. The focus is on dialogues between theory and practice.
The journal is problem driven; it is centered on the notion that organizational, regional and other forms of social development should be understood as multidimensional processes and viewed from a broad socio-ecological, participative and societal perspective.
IJAR is a refereed journal and published three times a year. The editors invite contributions from academic social sciences, giving special attention to action research and action research practice, to conceptual and theoretical discussions on the changing worlds of work and society.
Action Learning : Research & Practice will publish articles which advance knowledge and assist the development of practice through the processes of action learning. Articles should aim to create theory, grounded in empirical observation of data and experience, that widens understanding of action learning and research in professional and organisational settings. Papers should encourage practitioners to gain new insights into their work and help them improve their effectiveness and contribution to their clients and the wider community.
Action learning is grounded in the approach pioneered by Reg Revans which holds that there can be no learning without action and no knowing without the effort to practise and implement what is claimed as knowledge. Because action learning promotes the creative integration of thinking & doing, theory & practice, academic & practitioner, contributors are asked to strive to hold these often diverse perspectives together. An important question in assessing papers will be: “Is this likely to help people in the further development of their practice in working with people, organisations and communities?”
Language Teaching Research is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research within the area of second or foreign language teaching. Although articles are written in English, the journal welcomes studies dealing with the teaching of languages other than English as well.
The journal is a venue for studies that demonstrate sound research methods and which report findings that have clear pedagogical implications.
A wide range of topics in the area of language teaching is covered, including:
Materials design
The teaching of specific skills and language for specific purposes
Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives includes papers that address the connections between reflection, knowledge generation, practice and policy. The journal also publishes shorter pieces on recent initiatives, reports of work in progress, proposals for collaborative research, theoretical positions, knowledge reported in poetic, diagrammatic and narrative form illuminated by line drawings and photography, provocative problem and question-posing thought pieces, reflective dialogues and creative reflective conversations. Reflective Practice also incorporates, from time to time, Special Issues on 'hot' topics.
The Journal of Teacher Action Research is an international journal that publishes peer-reviewed articles written by teachers and researchers to inform classroom practice. The journal serves as a practical medium to read and publish classroom-based research.
Our review process differs from other journals because we also look for potential. We value the research conducted in the classroom, and believe it should be available to teachers and researchers.
Scope of the Journal: The journal accepts articles for peer-review that describe classroom practice that positively impacts student learning. We define teacher action research as teachers (at all levels) studying their practice and/or their students' learning in a methodical way in order to inform classroom practice. Articles submitted to the journal should demonstrate an action research focus with intent to improve the author’s practice.
Critical Studies in Education is a leading international journal devoted to publishing critical theoretical, methodological and empirical contributions to education research. The journal is anchored in the critical sociology of education, yet we welcome contributions from other disciplines that seek to critically examine the social relations of education (e.g., history, philosophy, critical geography, politics and public policy studies).
Critical Studies in Education is a key global forum for advancing original research that addresses the implications of intensifying social, political and economic challenges and how these shape education. It has a central concern with examining and disrupting unequal power relations, including but not limited to class, gender, race, sexuality, disability and coloniality. The journal adopts a broad definition of education, meaning submissions may focus on diverse education systems, policies, practices, knowledge and evidence. These may be related to a variety of settings, from schools, vocational and higher education to more informal forms of education, including the educational dynamics of popular and digital culture.
Through publishing diverse forms of critical research in education, the journal does not assume that ‘critical research’ has a fixed meaning. It aims instead to generate conversations and debates about what it means to be critical in shifting theoretical, empirical and methodological contexts of education. What is constant is our commitment to a critical ontology and epistemology. The journal therefore rejects positivist approaches that presume reality is ‘out there’ to be objectively documented or ‘revealed’ by researchers. As such, it does not publish articles that refer to ‘findings’ or data ‘collection’, as if data and their interpretation exist independently of the research and researcher. Details concerning methods and design should be sufficient to assure research rigour and high ethical standards, and are expected to be underpinned by strong theoretical foundations.
The Journal of Participatory Research Methods is a transdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that is focused on the methods, techniques and strategies of participatory research. The journal features articles about research methods as a means to share concepts and techniques unique to research work that involves participants and communities in the research process. JPRM aims to publish articles that show and tell about the methods authors use in conducting participatory research so that other researchers can use and adapt those methods for their own work.
This journal was created because its founders saw a real need for participatory researchers to be able to showcase their methods and processes and to learn from other participatory researchers. Word counts and space limitations in traditional pubications meant that the rich and important details about how the participatory work gets accomplished were not being published or shared. The process is key to participatory research and should be highlighted, expounded upon and shared widely.
About to enter its 4th year of publication, JPRM continues to grow its worldwide reputation and readership. We have authors from around the world doing important participatory work across sectors and disciplines including healthcare, human services, urban design and space planning, agriculture, addiction and recovery, senior care, education and more. We are proud of the growing community of participatory researchers and practitioners who read and use the materials published in this journal.
The International Journal of Critical Pedagogy is committed to publishing original articles that propose innovative understandings and applications of critical pedagogy. The journal covers a wide range of perspectives in areas such as:
- Diversity
- Popular culture
- Media literacy
- Critical praxis
- Experimental methodologies
This journal is led by the PROFILE research group at Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras—Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota campus. It is a publication mainly concerned with sharing the results of classroom research projects, reflections and innovations undertaken by teachers of English as a second or foreign language as well as by teacher educators and novice teacher-researchers. Starting from the assumption that our professional knowledge is enriched by different members of our academic community, the journal welcomes papers from different parts of the world, diverse educational levels and wide-ranging contexts. In sum, the Profile journal belongs to the areas of language education and applied linguistics; it deals with topics regarding the learning and teaching of English as a second or foreign language and teacher education in the same field. It is addressed to an international readership of pre- and in-service teachers.
The Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal is a peer-review journal published in Bogotá, Colombia by Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas for a global audience of professionals in education interested in research and teaching issues in the field of Applied Linguistics for the Teaching of English. It disseminates partial or final results of researches in the field of language teaching.
The Journal of Transformative Education (JTED) is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal focused on advancing the understanding, practice, and experience of transformative education. Transformative education is defined as those educational practices that are informed by transformative learning theory and that foster deep engagement with and reflection on our taken-for-granted ways of viewing the world, resulting in fundamental shifts in how we see and understand ourselves and our relationship with the world.
The Journal of Transformative Education invites researchers from a wide array of disciplines whose work reflects this overall aim and scope to submit original research, reviews and topical dialogue and communication on all aspects of transformative education and learning. These disciplines include but are not limited to:
Adult education and lifelong learning
Change, transition, and transformation
Management and corporate education
Educational and humanistic psychology
Experiential education
Holistic education
Organizational development, learning, and psychology
Social change
JTED is particularly interested in articles that seek to test, build on, and elaborate existing theoretical perspectives on transformative learning, that demonstrate innovate and creative applications of the theory in practice contexts, and that explore the international and cross-cultural issues of the theory and practice of transformative learning.
The journal seeks to deliver high academic quality in an engaging, thought-provoking, participative, and reflexive scholarly discourse across the spectrum of issues which transformational education encompasses, including
Individual experience
Educational and institutional process
Formal and informal purposes
Venues for transformative education
Cultural issues
Social context
The journal is global in scope and content and is diverse in its approaches and topics - drawing from theory, research, practice, individual experience, and retrospective insight from past major theorists.
Critical Education is an international, refereed, open access journal published by the Institute for Critical Education Studies (ICES).
Contributions critically examine contemporary education contexts, practices, and theories. Critical Education publishes theoretical and empirical research as well as articles that advance educational practices that challenge the existing state of affairs in society, schools, higher education, and informal education.
ICES, Critical Education, and its conpanion publication Workplace: A Journal for Academic Labor, defend the freedom, without restriction or censorship, to disseminate and publish reports of research, teaching, and service, and to express critical opinions about institutions or systems and their management. Co-Directors of ICES, co-Hosts of ICES and Workplace blogs, and co-Editors of these journals resist all efforts to limit the exercise of academic freedom and intellectual freedom, recognizing the right of criticism by authors or contributors.