Sreemali Herath
University of Manitoba
Sri Lanka – Canada
Sreemali Herath is an Assistant Professor attached to the Faculty of Education of the University of Manitoba, Canada. She has a PhD in language and literacies education from OISE, University of Toronto. Her doctoral research, carried out in the aftermath of Sri Lanka’s civil war, focused on the role of second-language teachers in post-conflict reconciliation. Her doctoral work won the Outstanding Dissertation Recognition Award offered by the Canadian Society for Teacher Education (CATE), of the Canadian Society for the Studies in Education (CSSE) and the Comparative International Education Society (CIES), Gail P Kelly Award for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation that addresses social justice and equity issues in an international context. Prior to taking up her current position, she taught at the Open University of Sri Lanka. Her research is broadly situated in second language education and language teacher education. Her research interests include post-conflict reconciliation, arts-based approaches to identity research, the role of critical action research in countering the impact of neoliberalism on education, and creativity in teacher education, refugee narratives of their journeys, supporting plurilingual graduate students and the preparation of teachers to teach English as an additional language. She has been an active member of NCARE since its inception and is a co-editor and a contributor of its most recent publication Critical action research challenging neoliberal language and literacies education (2022). She has been an active member of NCARE since its inception and is a co-editor and a contributor of its most recent publication Critical action research challenging neoliberal language and literacies education (2022).
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University of Manitoba Profile
Herath, S. (forthcoming). Visualizing identity: The potential of identity portraits in developing inclusive teaching selves in post conflict reconciliation. Comparative Education Review.
Gagné, A., Kalan, A. & Herath, S. (Editors). (2022). Critical action research challenging neoliberal language and literacies education: Auto and duoethnographies of global experiences. New York: Peter Lang.
Gagné, A., Herath, S. & Kalan, A. (2022). Pathways to challenge the neoliberal constrictions of education: An introductory multiethnography. In A. Gange, A. Kalan & S. Herath Critical action research challenging neoliberal language and literacies education: Auto and duoethnographies of global experiences (pp. 05 – 44). New York: Peter Lang.
Herath, S. (2022). Criticality and inclusivity in teacher education: A personal journey of growth and transformation. In A. Gange, A. Kalan & S. Herath Critical action research challenging neoliberal language and literacies education: Auto and duoethnographies of global experiences (pp. 65 – 80). New York: Peter Lang.
Herath, S., Gagne, A. & Valencia, M. (forthcoming). At the Nexus of Creativity, Culture, Innovation and Motivation in Diverse Glocal Teacher Education Contexts. Research papers on knowledge, innovation and enterprise.
Herath, S. (2020): The discursive construction of ethnic hierarchies in textbooks in a time of post-conflict reconciliation. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2019.170980
Valencia, M., Herath, S. & Gagné, A. (2020). Unpacking professional identity: The use of multimodal identity texts and duoethnographies in language teacher education. In Yazan, B. & Lindahl, K (Eds.) Language Teacher Identity in TESOL: Teacher Education and Practice as Identity Work. Oxford: Taylor & Francis.
Herath, S.M. (2020). The impact of language learning experiences on language teachers’ professional practices: a case study of two language biographies. Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences, 43(2), pp.73–84. DOI:\
Recent conference papers and symposia
Gagné, A., Herath, S. Kalan, A., Ortega, Y. & Mendinueta, N. (2022). Autoethnographies of critical action researchers: Trajectories to equitable learning communities that challenge neoliberalism. World Education Research Association (WERA)/American Education Research Association (AERA) (Virtual conference).
Gagné, A., Herath, S., & Valencia, M. (2022). Identity Transformation during Mentoring for Scholarly Publication: A Multiethnography. Canadian Association for Applied Linguistics (CAAL)/Congress (Virtual conference).
Herath, S., Gagné, A. & Valencia, M. (2022). At the nexus of creativity, culture, and innovation in diverse glocal language teacher education contexts. International Conference on Knowledge, Innovation and Enterprise (Virtual conference)
Herath, S. (2022). “Why focus on me?” Language teacher wellbeing and the potential of creativity. TEAL Manitoba Conference. Winnipeg, Canada.
Herath, S. (2022). Language teacher wellbeing and the potential of identity portraits. TEAL Saskatoon Conference. (Virtual conference).
Ortega, Y., Gagné, A., Herath, S., Jaramillo, C., & Kalan, A. (2021). NCARE - A network of critical action researchers in education: Processes and realizations. Canadian Society for the Studies in Education (CSSE) (Virtual conference).