HeeJin Song / 송희진
Korea - Canada
Heejin Song is an assistant professor in the ESL program at the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics (DLLL), York University, Canada. Her recent research interests lie in critical action research in the ELT contexts of English for academic purposes (EAP) and content and language integrated learning (CLIL) as well as critical discourse analyses of curricula, educational materials and media in ELT and multicultural education. In her teaching, she advocates perspectives of diversity as an asset and empowerment for teaching and learning, constantly asking herself how her teaching can be structured and practiced in a way to honor learners’ existing linguistic, cultural, and academic knowledge. Furthermore, while embracing multiliteracies pedagogy, critical pedagogy, and multicultural education for social justice into teaching practice, she continuously attempts to exemplify how the instructional design and teaching practice with critical consciousness can enhance not only learners’ academic knowledge and skills essential for their disciplinary and professional fields but also help learners become conscious global participants with inclusive global identity.
Presentation Clip
Articles (Refereed)
Song, H. (2021). Deconstructing discourses of diversity: Envisioning possibilities from impossibilities in multicultural education in South Korea. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 31(1), 58-78.
Song, H. (2019). Action Research as a Praxis for Transformative Teaching Practice in ELT Classrooms. TESL Contact, 40 (3), 7-15. http://contact.teslontario.org/action-research-as-a-praxis-for-transformative-teaching-practice-in-elt-classrooms/
Book Chapters (Refereed)
Song, H. & McGaughey, J. (2022). Chapter 7. A duoethnography of action research: Resisting the neoliberal order of EAP teaching in higher education. In A. Gagné, A. Kalan, & S. Herath (Eds.) Critical action research challenging the neoliberal constriction of education: Pushing back and moving forward (pp. 139-156). Peter Lang.
McGaughey, J. & Song, H., (2021). Chapter 1. Embracing critical multicultural education through research-informed practice in EAP teaching. In C. MacDiarmid & J. MacDonald (Eds.), New perspectives: Pedagogies for English for Academic Purposes (pp. 11-26). Bloomsbury.
In Preparation
Corcoran, J., Song, H., Ng, J., Morgan, B., & Valencia, M. (Final version in press for 2023). Trans/plurilingual Pedagogies: A Multiethnography. DELTA.
Song, H., Makinina, O., & Ng, J. (in process/full manuscript submitted for 2023). Multiliteracies-enhanced practices as empowerment pedagogy for teaching transnational English language learners in a CLIL-based EAP course in Canada. English Teaching & Learning
Email : hjsong@yorku.ca