Antoinette Gagné


University of Toronto


Antoinette is an associate professor in the Department of Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning at the University of Toronto. Her research has focused on teacher education for diversity and inclusion in various contexts. She has explored the experiences of young ELLs and their families as well as internationally educated teachers in Canadian schools and universities. More recently, she has been working collaboratively with a network of schools to support critical literacy and social justice initiatives. As an action researcher, Antoinette is interested in exploring her own practice as a critical teacher educator while working collaboratively with other critical teacher educators to learn more about how to engage teacher candidates in becoming social activists in their schools and communities. She is the convenor of the Action Research Initiative which has grown to include teacher educators connected to more than a dozen universities in Canada and beyond.

Presentation Clip


The Education of Students with Refugee Backgrounds

Me Mapping with Language Learners

Teaching About Domestic Violence

DiT Diversity in Teaching



Gagné, A., Kalan, A., Herath, S. (Eds.) (2022). Critical action research challenging the neoliberal

constrictions of language and literacies education globally - Auto and duoethnographies of

global experiences. Peter Lang Publishing.

Gagné, A., Kjorven, O., and Ringen, B-J. (Eds) (2009). Teacher diversity in diverse schools –

Challenges and opportunities for teacher education. Oslo, Norway: Oplandske Bokforlag.

Gagné, A. (Editor). (2007). Growing New Roots: The Voices of Immigrant Families and the

Teachers of Their Children. Resource Book for Educators and Immigrant Families. Toronto,



Articles & Book Chapters

Gagné, A., Rajendram, S. & Wattar, D. (2022). Working toward equity and engagement in an online

course for future K-12 teachers. In Teaching in the post COVID-19 Era: World education

dilemmas, teaching innovations and solutions in the age of crisis edited by I. Fayed, I.,

& J. Cummings, J. Springer Publishing. New York.

Gagné, A. (2021). Teacher education for diversity through an autoethnographic lens. In

Superdiversity and teacher education: Supporting teachers in working with culturally,

linguistically, and racially diverse students, families, and communities edited by Guofang Li,

Jim Anderson, Jan Hare, and Marianne McTavish. Routledge.

Valencia, M., Herath, S. & Gagné, A. (2020). Unpacking professional identity: The use of

multimodal identity texts and duoethnographies in language teacher education. In

Language teacher identity in TESOL: Teacher education and practice as identity work

edited by Bedrettin Yazan and Kristen Lindahl, Routledge.

Bale, J., Gagné, A. & Kerekes, J. (2019). Teacher educators’ perspectives on preparing

mainstream teacher candidates for linguistically diverse classrooms. In J. Mueller & J.

Nickel (Eds.), Globalization and diversity in education: What does it mean for Canadian

teacher education? Ottawa, ON: Canadian Association for Teacher Education.

Gagné, A. Bakbak, S., Chahrour, G., & Wattar, D. (2018). Re/Discovering our teacher identities

through digital storytelling with Syrian children and youth: A multi-ethnography of four

diverse educators. Master of Teaching Research Journal. 1(1).

Gagné, A., Al-Hashimi, N., Little, M., Lowen, M., & Sidhu, A. (2018). Educator perspectives on

the social and academic integration of Syrian refugees in Canada. Journal of Family

Diversity in Education. 3(1).

Gagné, A., Herath, S. & Valencia, M. (2018). Exploring privilege and marginalization in ELT: A

trioethnography of three diverse educators. In Criticality, teacher identity, and (in)equity in

English language teaching: issues and implications edited by Bedrettin Yazan &

Nathanael Rudolph. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, 237-256.

Corcoran, J., Gagné, A., & McIntosh, M. (2017). A conversation about “editing” plurilingual

scholars’ thesis writing. Canadian Journal for Studies in Discourse and Writing/Rédactologie.

28, 1-25.

Gagné, A., Herath, S. &Valencia, M. (2017). Autobiographical creation: A powerful professional

development strategy for teachers. Creative dimensions of teaching and learning in the 21st

century edited by Jill B. Cummings and Mary L. Blatherwick. Rotterdam, The Netherlands:

Sense Publishers. 117-130.

Gagné, A., Herath, S. & Valencia, M. (2017). Strategies to engage and transform teacher learners

in an online course. Creative dimensions of teaching and learning in the 21st century edited

by Jill B. Cummings and Mary L. Blatherwick. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

331- 344.

Gagné, A., Schmidt, C. and Markus, P. (2017). Teaching about refugees: Developing culturally

responsive educators in contexts of politicized transnationalism. Special issue on Teaching

about refugees. Intercultural Education. 28(5), 429-446.

Gagné, A., Schmidt, C. (2016). EN(gauging) Criticality in teacher education: Assignments with

a critical edge. In What should canada’s teachers know? Teacher capacities: Knowledge,

beliefs and skills edited by Mark Hirschkorn. Canadian Association of Teacher Education.

Gagné, A. and Inbar-Lourie, O. (2016). Multiple perspectives on language proficiency

development of non-native English-speaking teacher candidates in Canada and Israel. In

Research on English language teacher education and professional development edited by

Jodi Crandall and MaryAnn Christison. Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

Schmidt, C. and Gagné, A. (Guest Eds.) (2015). Teachers' plurilingual identities in transnational

contexts. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 38(3).

Gagné, A. Chassels, C. and McIntosh, M. (2015). Plurilingual teachers and their experiences

navigating the academy: Lessons and strategies for equity, Australian Review of Applied

Linguistics. 38(3), 106-122.

Gagné, A. (2015). Honouring the contributions of Jim Cummins to language and intercultural

education internationally, Intercultural Education. 26(6), 451-454.

Gagné, A. and Soto Gordon, S. (2015). Leadership education for English language learners as

transformative pedagogy. Intercultural Education. 26(6), 530-546.

Gagné, A. and Schmidt, C. (2015). Internationally educated teacher candidates in Canadian

faculties of education: When diversity ≠ equity in the Handbook of Canadian research in

initial teacher education edited by Thomas Falkenberg. 295-311.

Chanicka, J. and Gagné, A. (2015). Our journey at Aldergrove Public School – Social justice

praxis in one Canadian elementary school. Intercultural Education. 26(3). 238-247.

Gagné, A. and Schmidt, C. (2014). Meaningful processes and products in educational research

for diversities: A duoethnographic inquiry. The International Journal of Education for

Diversities. 3, 1-19.

Gagné, A. and Soto Gordon, S. (2014). Participatory action research in a high school drama club

– a catalyst for change among English language learners in Canada. In Methodologies for

Investigating Diversity (in Education): International Perspectives edited by Geraldine Smyth

and Ninetta Santoro. London, England: Trentham Press.

Gagné, A. and Soto Gordon, S. (2014). Learning about self and the world beyond: Cultural,

religious and social justice clubs in high schools. In Inquiry into practice: Learning global

matters in local classrooms edited by Carol Rolheiser, Mark Evans and Mira Gambhir.

Toronto: OISE, University of Toronto.

Gagné, A. & Valencia, M. (2013). Developing teacher candidates’ target language proficiency in

a policy and institutionally supportive environment: challenges and opportunities. In

Language teachers and teaching: Global perspectives, local initiatives edited by Selim Ben

Said and Lawrence Jun Zhang. Routledge Publishers.

Gagné, A. and Soto Gordon, S. (2013). Social justice for English language learners at

Parkdown Secondary School in Canada. In Learning spaces for social justice: International

perspectives on exemplary practices from preschool to secondary school Edited by Hanna

Ragnarsdóttir and Clea Schmidt. London, England: IOE Press.

Gagné, A., and Thomas, R. (2011). Language portfolio design for a concurrent teacher education

program in Ontario, Canada. Synergies Europe. (6). 219-228.

Gagné, A. and Soto Gordon, S. (2011). Growing new roots: Coming together - New immigrant

and Canadian teenagers. In Inquiry into Practice: Reaching Every Student Through Inclusive

Curriculum edited by C. Rolheiser, M. Evans and M. Gambhir, OISE, University of Toronto.

Gagné, A. and Soto Gordon, S. (2009). Growing new roots: Reflections of immigrant teenagers

in Canada in Collaboration for change edited by Carol Rolheiser. OISE. University of Toronto.

Gagné, A. (2009). Preparing diverse teachers for diverse learners: Issues, experiences and new

directions. In Teacher diversity in diverse schools – Challenges and opportunities for teacher

education edited by A. Gagné, O. Kjorven, B-J. Ringen. Oslo, Norway: Oplandske Bokforlag.

Gagné, A. (1996). Success at Contact: The argument for alternative schools for at-risk youth.

Alberta Journal of Education. 42(3), 306-324.


Gagné. A. (2021). Quoi de neuf? Entretien avec Antoinette Gagné, Season 2 Episode 3. CREFO,

University of Toronto.

Gagné, A., & Bale, J. (2020). Preparing Preservice Teachers to Support ELLs. Webinar for

ERGO – The ESL Resource Group of Ontario.

Gagné, A. (2020). Setting up a supportive and productive online community for thesis writing –

A comprehensive guide. A podcast in the ‘This Teaching Life Series’. University of Melbourne.


