Amir Kalan
McGill University
Amir Kalan is Assistant Professor in the Department of Integrated Studies in Education (DISE) at McGill University. His research interests include critical literacy, multiliteracies, second language writing, intercultural rhetoric, multilingual text generation, and multimodal and digital writing. In his research, he mobilizes mainstream qualitative research and alternative qualitative methods such as narrative inquiry, autoethnography, and visual ethnography to study sociocultural, discursive, political, and power relational contexts of literacy engagement. He is particularly interested in learning about the experiences of minoritized and racialized students in multicultural and multilingual contexts and about non-Western forms of language and literacy education.
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Peer-reviewed articles
Kalan, A. (2022). Negotiating writing identities across languages: Translanguaging as enrichment of semiotic trajectories. TESL Canada Journal, 38(2), 63-87.
Kalan, A., Jafari, P., & Aghajani, M. (2019). A collaborative practitioner inquiry into societal and power-relational contexts of an activist writing community’s textual events. International Journal of Action Research, 15(1), 62-80.
Simon, R., Evis, S., Walkland, T., Kalan, A., & Baer, P. (2016). Navigating the “delicate relationship between empathy and critical distance”: Youth literacies, social justice, and arts-based inquiry. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 15(3), 430-449.
Kalan, A. (2016). Teaching Anglo-American academic writing and intercultural rhetoric: A grounded theory study of practice in Ontario secondary schools. Current Studies in Comparative Education, Science and Technology (ISCEST) Journal, 3(1), 57-75.
Kalan, A. (2014). A practice-oriented definition of post-process second language writing theory. TESL Canada Journal, 32(1), 1-18.
Simon, R., Kalan, A., et al (2014). “In the swell of wandering words”: The arts as a vehicle for youth and educators’ inquiries into the Holocaust memoir Night. Perspectives on Urban Education, 11(2), 90-106.
Kalan, A. (2014). Integrating speaking and listening activities into teaching Anglo-American academic writing rhetoric. International Journal of English Language Teaching, 1(1), 101-107.
Kalan, A. (2013). The impact of Canadian social discourses on L2 writing pedagogy in Ontario. English Language Teaching, 6(10), 32-42.
Sole-authored books
Kalan, A. (2021). Sociocultural and power-relational dimensions of multilingual writing: Recommendations for deindustrializing writing education. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Kalan, A. (2016). Who’s afraid of multilingual education? Conversations with Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, Jim Cummins, Ajit Mohanty, and Stephen Bahry about the Iranian context and beyond. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Edited books
Gagne, A., Kalan, A., & Herath, S. (Eds.) (2022). Critical action research challenging neoliberal language and literacies education: Auto and duoethnographies of global experiences. New York: Peter Lang.
Gagne, A., Herath, S., & Kalan, A. (2022). Pathways to challenge the neoliberal constriction of education: An introductory multi-ethnography. In A. Gagne, A. Kalan, & S. Herath (Eds.), Critical action research challenging neoliberal language and literacies education: Auto and duoethnographies of global experiences. New York: Peter Lang.
Troberg, M., & Kalan, A. (2022). Large online undergraduate courses: The demise of critical pedagogy? In A. Gagne, A. Kalan, & S. Herath (Eds.), Critical action research challenging neoliberal language and literacies education: Auto and duoethnographies of global experiences. New York: Peter Lang.
Kalan, A. (2021). COVID-19, an opportunity to deindustrialize writing education. In I. Fayed, & J. Cummings (Eds.), Teaching in the post COVID-19 era: World education dilemmas, teaching innovations and solutions in the age of crisis (pp. 511-519). Springer.
Kalan, A. (2021). Writing in times of crisis: A theoretical model for understanding genre formation. In E. B. Hancı-Azizoğlu, & M. Alawdat (Eds.), Rhetoric and sociolinguistics in times of global crisis (pp. 214-234). IGI Global.
Simon, R., & Kalan, A. (2016). Adolescent literacy and collaborative inquiry. In K. A. Hinchman, & D. A. Appleman (Eds.), Adolescent literacy: A handbook of practice-based research (pp. 398-420). New York: Guilford Press.
Creative scholarship
Kalan, A. (in progress). Stance as inquiry: Practitioner inquiry in education.
Kalan, A. (2021). A rhetoric of protest [Poetry]. The College English Association Mid-Atlantic Review, 29, 78-79.
Kalan, A. (Producer). (2022). A rhetoric of protest [Video installation]. Montreal, Canada.
Simon, R. (Producer), & Kalan, A. (Director). (2015). After “Night” [Motion picture]. Toronto, Canada. University of Toronto.
Publications co-authored with students and communities
Kalan, A. (Ed.). (in progress). Critical food pedagogy: An ESL writing textbook.
Kalan, A. (Ed.). (2018). Undergraduate voices. Dayton, OH: University of Dayton E-Scholarship.
Kalan, A. (Ed.). (2014). Persian hip hop: Writing as social action [Persian]. Tarmatn Publications.
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Twitter: @Kalan_Amir