Module 6
After making connections between cycles 1 and 2 of your action research, it is important that you tell others about your research. In order to do that, you will need to write your final report and disseminate your research findings.
However, before you start writing your final report, it is also important that you reflect on what you have learned from this research enterprise. This reflection will be part of the final reflections section of your action research report.
Final Reflections
Personal Transformations
How have I changed my practice?
How have I changed the way I think about my practice or think about ideas that underpin it?
How do other see me?
How do I see myself?
Did I succeed in bringing my values in closer alignment with my work?
Organizational Transformations
What did I learn about group processes in my workplace?
How did roles change?
What did people in my group learn to do or know?
Scholarly level
What knowledge or practices have I created that others in my workplace will find of value?
What knowledge or practices have I created that other action researchers might value.
What have I learned about myself and the way I learn, think and work that might help others?
What did I learn about action research that might help others?
It is time to write your final report! If you have any questions about how to do so, go over the resources again. You can also find examples of action research reports on: Resources
Write your final report. Share ideas with your critical friends and colleagues and write any questions, concerns and comments you might have during your writing process.
Before publishing and disseminating your findings, it is crucial to have feedback on what you have written so you can produce a more polished version of your report.
Talk to colleagues, professors, critical friends, peers and also students!
Now that you have your final report ready, you need to start thinking about how to best disseminate your findings. There are several ways through which you can present your findings to your main audience.Look at some of the ways you can disseminate your action research project and choose the one(s) that will be the most appropriate for your context.
Conference Presentations
Conference Proceedings
Publishing in a Journal
Publishing in a Blog
Publishing in Newsletters and Magazines
Sharing your Findings with Colleagues
Make a plan how you will do so and share it with your peers. When planning, keep in mind the following two questions:
1) How do I communicate the significance of my research?
2) How do I show the value of studying my learning in order to improve my practice?
You have made it! Congratulations!
Now, before you go on and disseminate your research findings, you need to proof-read your report to make sure it is error-free.
Where do you go from here? What are you next steps? Reflect on what you will do in terms of professional development when this project is over. Write a future steps plan and share it with your peers.
More Resources
Click Support & Resources to find websites, an extensive bibliography and a collection of research journals for your consultation.