Module 4

Cycle 2


As you have seen, action research progresses through moments of actions and reflections, and does not end with a single planning or acting cycle. Thus, the second action research cycle will be based on the reflection of the first cycle. (Nugent et al, 2012).

Before you start your action research cycle 2, it is very important that you reflect on your first cycle to assess whether your plan achieved the desired results. Reflecting on what your action research process so far, complete the prompts below:

Where do you Go from Here? 

After having reflected on the first cycle of your action research, you are able to plan your next steps.

Think about the questions below and revise/refine your cycle 1 plan.

Writing a New Plan

Now, write a new action research plan to be enacted in your cycle 2. Use the questions below to guide you. Give feedback on your peers' plans and get at least one comment from your critical friends.

With your new plan in mind, enact your action research cycle 2. Use this forum to share and exchanges ideas, as well as report on any difficulties you have during the implementation of your plan. Now that you have enacted your plan, collect and study your data. If you have any questions about how to do so, please revise cycle 1 Also, keep in mind the following points:


Look back at this module and write down any questions you have had while doing the tasks. Go back to cycle 1 and try to find the answers for your own questions. Answers your peers' questions and also respond to your critical friends' comments.


Reflect on your action research cycle 2 and outline in a brief paragraph:

Reflective Practice

By Thomas Farrell

If you want to expand on reflection and reflective Practice, we recommend this material. This open source collection of columns will take you into reflective practice, contemplative reflection and much more. 

More Resources

Click Support & Resources to find websites, an extensive bibliography and a collection of research journals for your consultation.